Monday, March 30, 2009

Jungle Gym

Who said that Jungle Gyms are for little kids?? they are just for little people. and guess what..... i am a little person. last tuesday a lot of us went on a date. The place we went had a jungle gym and my friends are little like me. Its great!! so we had a blast playing .

Bike Ride

Okay, So Megan and I worked out for 2 hours at the gym on friday. we walked to her house that was one mile away. It was an awesome day so we wanted to go on a bike ride with our husbands. but eric wanted to go to this lake that was to far away. so we ate at subway and talked about it. we came up with the idea of riding to Big Juds, that we thought was 5mi out of town. But it turned out to be 10mi out of town, so we went on a 20mi bike ride. we made it to big juds around 7:30 we ended up riding home in the dark and the cold. it was a crazy and exhausting adventure. but a great time!!!! these are pictures of us on our journey, at big juds and at our friends house being dead.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Some art

One day i was bored and wanted to paint. but to paint what i wanted, i would have to print some pictures off, but our printer was out of ink. so i used erics xbox games. this is what i came up with. It is of all the games Eric plays the most, and i am shocked but it turned out better then i thought. I also went to the school with eric and printed out pictures i need to do my next projects. so more will be coming. injoy ;) ;)

Our Car is Fixed!!!

so last tuesday we finally got our car fixed after a month. we were so happy, we even took the time to clean it all out and made it look wonderful!! and dont worry eric is happy in the picture.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Soo... I was tagged by two people. Well the 1st tag was 5th picture in your 1st file. That pic. would be Abbie and I discount shopping, and we look hot with our red jackets on, for sure!!! Then the 2nd tag was to pick whatever pic. I wanted. Well I couldn't decided what picture to pick. So, I picked two. The one is of Eric playing his xbox and I just love his hair. Then i have my pruse on my head, shopping at wal-mart at 2:30 in the morning with Eric. I tag anyone who wants to Post any picture for fun.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Elder Daniel Rock

My big bro. Elder Daniel Rock is on his Mission. He was call to Oklahoma City Mission, but is currently in Texas. He is loving his calling he said it is a lot of work but way way worth it and he loves the camera that Eric and i gave him for christmas/new years. so this is why we have this great picture of him now.

Eating at subway for lunch

Our tongues after eating our cookies... hehe... yum!

At subway for lunch

Eric and his cookie

Monday, March 2, 2009

The pot hole

This is the bad pot hole. It is 3ft 8in long and 7in deep.

our rims

Our tires after we hit the bad pot hole. It sucks! because it is costing us a lot to fix it. This happen on Feb. 10. we ordered new rims on the 11th from auto zone it took two weeks to get here. or so we thought. we went to pick them up, and they sent us a spare tire. I was angry! but we got our money back and went to les swab and ordered them from there and so our car should be fixed by 5th or the 6th of March. I cant wait to have my car back.

yep i made a blog

So I was just watching Eric play Fable 2, and I have nothing really to do, so now I am making my blog. Thanks to Wendy, Chris, Laura and Megan who talked me into it.

So a little about me, I am married to the best man in the world name Eric. We been married for only 8 months. We live in Rexburg, and it isn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. I work at Applebee's while Eric is going to school. We don't plan on having kids for about 5 to 6 years but my sisters in-law thinks that we aren't going to make 3 years, and i going to love proving them wrong. I love to paint and to draw, being outdoors on nice warm days. i hate the cold!! i like to play in the snow but i hate to walk in it and to drive in it. I like to play volleyball and basketball. I like to hang out with my family and friends. I think it is a blast just to sit down and play video games with my husband.